The Ottawa Regional Science Fair Committee includes...
Simon McMillan | Chair | chair@orsf[.]ca |
Richard Morin | Chief Judge | chiefjudge@orsf[.]ca |
Pamela Li | Judging | judging@orsf[.]ca |
Dana Hall | Special Awards, OCDSB Representative | dana.hall@uottawa[.]ca |
Arash Marzi | Sponsorship & Website | sponsorship@orsf[.]ca |
Rodney McInnis | Sponsorship | sponsorship@orsf[.]ca |
Noor Hameed | Co-Chair | chair@orsf[.]ca |
Janet Onyango | Treasurer | treasurer@orsf[.]ca |
Wayne Sawtell | Incoming Treasurer | treasurer@orsf[.]ca |
Sonia Patenaude | Registration | registration@orsf[.]ca |
Justin Whitaker | CWSF Coordinator | |
David MacDonald | Logistics | |
Kyle Beauliua | Website | |
Ibtissem Zahzam | Social Media | |
Michelle Chaulk | Ceremonies | |
Jennifer Gauthier | OCSB Representative | |
Clinton Lee | Member-at-Large | |
Reni Barlow | Member-at-Large | |
Please contact the Chair for any general inquiries
Thank you to our sponsors!
Special Mentions
The Graham Family Foundation
Anonymous Donor